You have to respect Improv Everywhere’s commitment to its pranks. Even in frigid temperatures, the group managed to get around 3,000 people outside in their skivvies, all in the name of spreading a little humor around the city. The event culminated in a huge party for the pantless in Union Square, New York where confused passersby were treated to the sight of thousands of goose-bumped revelers trying to stay warm. Here’s hoping it’s a little warmer next year.
Started in 2002, with just seven participants, the No Pants Subway Ride has turned into an international tradition. This year, people from 43 cities, in 16 countries joined their New York peers and boarded the subway in their undies.

Image sources: 1, 2
No Pants 2009
No Pants 2008
Labels: Community and Lifestyle, Festivals and Events, Paranormal, Weird Stuff