Mazes, by contrast, are designed to be a strategic challenge; they are one of humankind’s original physical puzzle games. Unlike a labyrinth, which is designed to be contemplative but easy to complete, a maze is intentionally difficult to navigate. Both labyrinths and mazes symbolically reveal two sides of the human spirit: complexity and simplicity; mystery and design; intuition and sensory experience. They are emblematic of the eternal philosophical tension between free will and fate. Here are some of the most complex, beautiful, and creative mazes and labyrinths around the world.
Dole Plantation
The world’s longest maze is at the Dole Plantation on Oahu, Hawai’i. Comprised of 11,400 tropical native plants and covering 3.11 miles.

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Cherry Crest Adventure Farm

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Snakes ‘n Ladders

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Davis Mega Maze

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Richardson Castle

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Hampton Court Maze

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The Imprint

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Grace Cathedral

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The Movie

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Victoria Park Water Maze

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Brick Maze of Capri

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Villa Pisani

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Source: webecoist
Labels: Amazing, Creative, Design, Travel