Posted by mandir
on Sunday, September 25, 2011
Gears of War 3 is going to be a massive launch and will feature new weapons such as a double barrelled shotgun, a Pendulum War Era Lancer that has a normal bayonet attached, incendiary grenades, the Gorgon SMG, the One Shot which as the name suggests can take the enemy down with one hit and finally the Digger Launcher which fires explosive diggers that burrow through the ground at high speeds. There is also a new turret which can have up to 4 weapons mounted.
One of the best new features is a controllable Mech suit which will be available at certain points throughout the game. It is armed with a machine gun and a rocket launcher and can be used in one of two modes Assault or Stationary. In Assault mode you control the suit like a standard character whilst in Stationary mode the Mech suit locks into position and deploys Armour protection, whilst in this mode other Gears will be able to take cover behind your legs.

You will be able to play as female gears for the first time. And the game will also feature the voices of Drake and Ice T who voice two characters Jace Stratton and Griffin. If you read the comic series you will recognise the name Jace Stratton although he was mentioned in Gears 2 and becomes another playable character in this title. Claudia Black (the voice of Chloe Frazer in Uncharted 2 and Morrigan in Dragon Age Origins, she also played Aeryn Sun in Farscape and Vala Mal Doran in Stargate SG-1) will be voicing Sam Byrne and it's not just new faces, there are some new tricks up your sleeve like being able to swap weapons with your teammates and you can now knock over enemies while going over cover, add a couple of new executions and you will be able to take the fight to the Horde.

But you won't have it all your way, there are new Locust too. They are the Savage Grenadier, the Digger Boomer, the Locust Siege Beast, and an armored Kantus A.K.A The Kantus Knight. This time we will also see the Berserkers return. The game also introduces new lambent enemies, such as Drudges, Polyps, Lambent Stalks, and a Lambent Berserker.
Gears of War 3
Gears of War 3
Gears of War 3